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First TIME in MAGIC history! No professional builder has ever shared his SECRET techniques... UNTIL NOW! This 6 Part Download set is a complete course in Illusion Building. Everything is explained in detail from expert Illusion builder...
€100.00 *
Possibly the world's funniest card trick! A spectator is asked to assist on stage with a card trick. Both the spectator and the magician wear a paper bag blindfold over their heads as a card is attempted to be selected! A large knife is...
€25.00 *
The first and still best correspondence magic course! Harlan Tarbell's Tarbell System Incorporated. Recommended to nearly every beginner, a tremendously valuable investment (especially at our price!), and a wealth of knowledge for...
€24.99 *
Step into Rand Woodbury's workshop where he teaches you the secrets of performing, designing and building your own illusions. Four volume series has been collected as a 2 Download set (each available separately) should be considered an...
€24.95 *
Amazo is back and here presents an illusion that can be shown everywhere and in all conditions. Four pieces of chain are shown and, with four real padlocks, the chains are fixed around the neck, around the ankles, along the body and near...
€29.00 *
Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the mechanics are just a small part-but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a...
€34.95 *
Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the mechanics are just a small part-but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a...
€34.95 *
Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the mechanics are just a small part-but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a...
€34.95 *
Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the mechanics are just a small part-but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a...
€34.95 *
Tim Ellis is a Melbourne magician who has spent his entire life mastering the art of illusion. 'Timeless Magic' is the ultimate collection of magic created by Tim Ellis over the last 35 years. CLOSE UP MAGIC - Credit Card Fax, Thumbtip...
€15.00 *
Step into Rand Woodbury's workshop where he teaches you the secrets of performing, designing and building your own illusions. Four volume series has been collected as a 2 Download set (each available separately) should be considered an...
€14.95 *
Step into Rand Woodbury's workshop where he teaches you the secrets of performing, designing and building your own illusions. Four volume series has been collected as a 2 Download set (each available separately) should be considered an...
€14.95 *
BEFORE YOU TAKE YOUR MAGIC SHOW ON THE ROAD, THIS BOOK SHARES SOME VITAL TIPS WITH YOU Taking a large stage/illusion show on the road is a massive task that can be hugely rewarding and profitable. However, there are also many pitfalls...
€3.99 *
A 'BLENDO' OF OVER 30 TRICKS PATTER & COMPLETE STAGE ROUTINES This eBook is filled with practical stage and parlor effects, includes patter for a number of well-known routines, plus numerous tips and ideas to enhance older classic...
€9.99 *
THE COMPLETE WORKS by WOLFGANG RIEBE A LIFETIME'S WORK Over 200 chapters of original tricks, ideas and experiences in 750 Pages! Wolfgang Riebe has been one of the most successful professional magicians in the world during the last 30...
€29.99 *
One in Six - Stage and Close-Up Three participants sit on stage. An object is passed between the participants. They are told to stop when it feels right for them and to hold out their arms with closed fists. Only one hand contains the...
€22.00 *
A cross is drawn on the top corner of a selected and signed playing card. Then the magician places the signed card between the cellophane and the box, and the cross visually travels from one corner of the card to another. The card is...
€9.00 *
Anyone can do this trick, including those of you who are not smokers, because it's just for fun! You show the audience a card from inside your pocket, then after a snap, the card turns into a pack of cigarettes! You display the pack and...
€9.55 *
EFFECT: Imagine showing a blank CROSSWORD PUZZLE from a newspaper and, with a shake, it is entirely solved! INCLUDES BONUS IDEAS: It doesn't end here. You can even reveal any PREDICTION (card, name, number) - the possibilities are...
€9.95 *
A card case cleanly vanishes, leaving just the deck. After the vanish, the deck can be shown front and back and can be used for your favorite routines! Matt Johnson's Improved Vanishing Card Case is now available for instant download --...
€15.00 *